Městys Náměšť na Hané
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Projekt TOGETHER WE ARE EUprojekt

The project « Together we are EU » was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"

Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.1 "Town-Twinning”

  • Participation: The project involved  citizens, notably 200  participants from the city of Levice (Slovakia),  

50 participants from the city of Erd (Hungary), 49 participants from the city of Boskovice (Czech republic), 20 participants from the city of  Namest na Hane (Czech republic), 40 participants from the city of  Lubaczow (Poland), 12 participants from the city of  Kretinga (Lithuana), 9 participants from the city of Stopini (Latvia).

  • Location/ Dates: The event took place in Levice  (Slovakia), from  16/05/2018  to  19/05/2018
  • Short description: The day of 16/05/2018 was dedicated to preparation activities of the event and organizational information for guests.

The day of 17/05/2018 was dedicated to welcoming the participants and guests, introduction of the program. Discussion with an expert on the topic of participation was introduced. After the discussion active seniors presented cultural and national heritage of partners` countries. Program continued with the training of young leaders for communication and negotiation skills. It was followed by a discussion with the local stakeholders - to support the communication platform and cooperation among local politicians and youngsters.

The day of 18/05/2018 was dedicated to introduction of participative policy: the creation and management participative budget of municipality (workshop, best-practice sharing, and simulation), later we focused on the topic of importance of citizens` engagement on public issues by a know-how sharing session.

The day of 19/05/2018 was dedicated to the discussion about raising nationalism in EU countries:  “Why nationalism? “. This activity compared the trends in partners` countries with other EU countries. Next activity introduced the volunteers` projects for local development with international participants by presentation of their stories. Afterwards the NGOs presentation was run, volunteering opportunities and activities were presented, and there was time dedicated to non-formal talks, discussions and social activities, as well as presentation of all the cultures participating on the event.

We spread information about project by media (print, TV), social media (web pages, Facebook pages). We informed our participants by posters, we created colouring book for children to introduce them EU and partners.

The project “Together we are EU” introduced the cooperation of 7 partners from 6 EU countries. Project was focused mainly on how to support citizens in engagement, active participation, and local policies creation. We introduced the model of participative budget creation as one of the way of active participation on public issues. Besides this we presented volunteering, civic society projects and activities that strengthen the level of solidarity. We opened often discussed topic of radicalization of EU society (based on election results in EU countries) to point out on principles of democracy and its protection in EU.

Various types of activities supported the participation of many citizens. In cooperation with the partners we created successful and interesting event. We discussed actual EU topics in the way which was inviting, involving and innovative – and that was our key for success. 




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Městys Náměšť na Hané

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